This course is designed for people who want to learn CPR but do not require a certification. NO certification will be issued during the Class this course is for informational purposes only.


The FREE CPR-AED Course teaches you lifesaving skills on how to do CPR for adult, child and infants.  You will learn how to use and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) for, adult and child AED use, infant CPR and relief of choking in an adult, child or infant. This FREE class is taught in a dynamic group environment which provides students with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible. If you are interested in learning how to save a life.  Y-CPR Academy will be offering this course once every three months.  We only have room for 10 students and their will be no wait list.  You will need to follow our blog to get the discount code for a FREE Class.


If you are looking for a CPR certification, please consider our classroom or online courses here.
